Health hazards of bursting crackers

This bursting of crackers cause damage to the environment and increase health hazards. In october last year the supreme court allowed bursting of lowemission crackers relaxing the complete ban issued in 2017. Here are some safety precautions to be taken while bursting crackers. Nausea, headache and giddiness are common effects of bursting crackers. Fire crackers were a relatively less common cause, gogate said. Here we advised to you all to encourage a crackers free diwali.

So if you want to know about the harmful effects of bursting crackers, then this article will help you a lot. The radioactive and poisonous elements used to produce colours when crackers are burst actually pollute the air, which may increase the risk of cancer in people. There are no advantages of bursting crackers at all. As you can see, the benefits of not bursting far outweigh the onetime pleasure you could derive from going ahead and doing it.

The loud noise of the crackers and a heavy shower of metals and chemicals from the explosions are worth keeping in mind. Bursting crackers just one day a year does no harm. Ironically, one loses both health and wealth during this time. Why is it that people still burst crackers during diwali. It is a socioeconomic problem, which the authorities have failed to tackle. It can also cause extensive damage to the environment in a short span of time. The same reason for which smokers smoke despite seeing humongous cancer pics in their cigarette packs multiple times a day and alcoholics drink despite suffering from alcohol problems every day in their life. The development of green crackers is aimed at reducing pollution and health risks. While crackers not only create air and noise pollution, but also cause fire incidents and pose health hazards to people suffering from asthma and other ailments. They can give rise to accidents,if not handled carefully. These air pollutants pollute the air and deplete the ozone layer and they can also cause.

This is a point to ponder for our public, which should be made aware of the illeffects. Doc lists out hazards of bursting crackers indian express. Respiratory disorders like asthma, wheezing often get severe during diwali festivals. Bursting crackers in closed and heavily populated areas can be dangerous. Why you should say no to crackers this diwali bigwire.

Bursting of crackers is indeed a joy for everyone, especially children. Safety precautions while bursting crackers parentcircle. Well done people welcoming the entry of corona to india, tweeted arun arora, taking a dig at those bursting crackers. Bursting crackers impacted air quality, not health, sc. Every year, friends and relatives ask me to participate in a familiar debate. Many people feel proud to show off their wealth by investing thousands or even lakhs on this nonsense stuff. Crackers fantasy causing environmental damage save greenery. Our outpatient during these days sees a lot of people coming in with burn. Sparks from crackers can start a fire leading to the loss of life and property. Who started the tradition of bursting crackers and thus. The spm levels can cause throat, nose, eye related problems.

Even adults are prone to breathlessness, pulmonary disease, rhinitis, lower respiratory tract infection and cough during diwali. Fireworks can be loud and can exceed 140 decibels standard decibel level for humans is 60 decibels. Bursting crackers is an integral part of our celebrations during the festive season and also on other occasions such as weddings, birthdays, new year, etc. Harmful effects of bursting crackers health cure tips. Social media comes down on those who burst crackers in.

Across india, each year, the festival of light brings harmful after effect to many. Pdf the environmental consequences of bursting firecrackers are very serious, ranging from health hazards to human beings, birds and animals to. What are the health effects of using fireworksfirecrackers. The bursting of crackers during diwali is primarily responsible for an increase in concentration of dust and pollutants. Burning of firecrackers produce extremely high levels of personal exposure to. By bursting crackers, youre encouraging air pollution, contributing to excessive smoke and causing health problems. I pray this article helps you to change your mind about bursting crackers. Being made from white flour doesnt necessarily mean that saltine crackers are bad for you but theyre not as good for you as wholegrain products. Cracker fumes hazardous for asthma, bronchitis patients.

Late night parties with loud music are still common, crackers are still being burst in large quantities, the shells and parts of which just add to the clutter and. They produce harmful gases like cocarbon monoxide, co2carbon dioxide, sosulphur monoxide and etc. Bursting crackers releases toxic gases and smog in the air. Why you should reconsider bursting crackers this diwali. Besides being causes of health hazards, crackers can cause serious injuries to people, especially children. It can lead to headaches and reduced mental acuity. Increase in air pollution levels can result in a number of symptoms such as eye burns, running nose, skin allergy and rashes. Diwali is the festival of lights, so lets keep it so, without the smoke. Read five health hazards of crackers and fireworks you must know air pollution causes a wide array of health problems, including asthma, lung disease, cardiovascular diseases, etc. To avoid such unwanted developments, you need to be extra careful while bursting crackers.

We are encouraging and promoting the celebration of. This atmosphere cause harmful effect to ones overall health. But still its our duty to maintain a clean environment as bursting of crackers increase noise and air pollution levels. Air pollution goes up by 50% during diwali in india. Five health hazards of crackers and fireworks you must. Children, senior citizen and animals are affected by bursting of crackers. Safety precautions during bursting crackers sri sankara. Considering the rate at which the crackers are burst during diwali, its not possible for us to turn a blind eye to the hazardous effects of the pollution caused by these crackers. Bursting of crackers deteriorates ambient air quality by releasing suspended particulate matter, oxides of metals along with carbon particles, poisonoustoxic gases and high noise level. Bursting crackers impacted air quality, not health, sc told the pollution monitoring body said that although there was some increase in cough and breathlessness, but this did not translate into. Theres a lot of damage to other living beings that bursting crackers is responsible for. Below are some harmful effects of bursting crackers.

It can also aggravate all your respiratory health problems. Bursting crackers may increase blood pressure and aggravate heart disease. Department of agriculture encourages americans, who normally get enough servings of grain products in their diet, to step up their grain game and consume more whole, unrefined wheat, rice, oat, barley or other cereal products. Every year, during the festive season, there are numerous cases of fire accidents and burn injuries resulting from the bursting of crackers. The administration has also disallowed bursting of firecrackers within 100 metres of silence zones, such as hospitals, educational institutions, courts, and religious places, which are declared as. One of the reasons cited for this was the bursting of firecrackers. Well people really dont know that happens when we burst so many crackers on the same particular day well i agree that there are many people who are educated and they even know what are the effects and the harms that are going to.

Parents, unmindful of the extreme risk and health hazards, advise them to stay away from schools and make crackers since a child earns not less than rs 20 a day to keep the fire in the house burning. Do burst crackers in open space like parks, grounds etc. Mixed response to restrictions on bursting of crackers. Do use a long incense sticks for lighting fireworks.

There are a lot of small children working in these industries who have to handle a lot of poisonus stuff and are not paid very well too. Air and sound pollution is another hazard caused by the harmful emissions of bursting these crackers. Crackers arent burst too late into the night, there are fewer crackers going around, and a theres more environmental awareness. Environment the illeffects of firecrackers robinage. The cracker bursting frenzy causes after effects for days smog, water pollution. It is made up of many harmful chemicals and produces harmful gases when burnt which. The harmful gases produced from the bursting of crackers, such as nitrous oxide, remains in the air for a long time if the city doesnt get enough. The supreme court on tuesday, 23 october lifted the complete ban on the sale of firecrackers, ani reported. Earlier this year, delhi was named the city with the highest pollution in the world by the world health organization. Though ive used diwali here as its a major event in india when considerable amount of crackers are used, in almost every event today, we wildly use crackers. The bursting crackers give harmful gases in the air, such as nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc.

How sc order on firecrackers will affect diwali, other. The science behind air pollution and bursting of fire crackers. A week after the supreme court allowed the state governments the flexibility in choosing a time frame for bursting crackers though sticking to the restriction of two hours, the karnataka government has set a time limit between 8pm to 10pm for bursting crackers during deepavali residents of the state can burst crackers between these two hours for dhanteras on november 5, naraka. Bursting of crackers adds to the air quality contamination causing severe health hazards, the official said. As you celebrate diwali with great enthusiasm, remember to be safe, especially while bursting crackers. In order to educate people about the hazards of bursting crackers, the department is seeking the help of ngos, youth, over 4. While many people try and justify bursting crackers on diwali by stating that it is only a one day affair and cannot add much to the existing pollution by industries and cars, the fact is that even a days worth of pollution. The dangers of bursting crackers follow green living. Harmful effects of bursting crackers diwali is round the corner and people must be busy shopping for clothes, sweets, candles, diyas and other puja materials at a feverish pace. While there have been concerns about sound and air pollution, we think it would be alright if we follow the prescribed rules and keep things within mandated limits.

Bursting crackers and zooming rockets in the sky may be a wonderful sight but hazardous to nature, animals and human beings. Ban on crackers may not save delhi, bursting them certainly kills it faster delhis deteriorating air quality was the reason that the supreme court banned the sale and use of conventional. To avoid any such mishap, avoid bursting crackers in areas that are densely populated or. On the eve of deepavali, the district administration is at pains to spread the message of safety and draw public attention to the nationwide ban on bursting. Sources claim bursting crackers originated in china in some 8th century when firecrackers were believed to be a source of frightening evil souls and then it reached europe, arab and india. People have received burns and lost eyesight and even lives due to the faulty bursting of crackers. The bursting crackers on diwali is an funfilled entertainment, but at the same time certain precautions are mandatory to have a safe and happy diwali. Dr manish munjal, professor of ent department at the dmc hospital has listed the health hazards related to bursting of firecrackers. In 2015, the supreme court banned the use of lithium, antimony, mercury, arsenic and lead in the manufacturing of crackers, after three children filed a petition over air and noise pollution. It is not wise to burn money on crackers when people in our country are dying of hunger.

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